Monday, October 7, 2019

1.6.0 GT 9HA Bearings


The 9HA.01 gas turbine unit has two double tilting pad journal bearings which support the gas turbine rotor and two self-equalizing tilting pad thrust bearings to maintain the rotor-to-stator axial position. These bearings are incorporated in the inlet casing and exhaust frame which are supplied oil from the main lubricating oil system.


The main turbine bearings are pressure-lubricated with oil supplied, from the oil reservoir. Oil feed piping where practical, is run within the lube oil drain lines, or drain channels, as a protective measure. In the event of a supply line leak, oil will not be sprayed on nearby equipment, thus eliminating a potential safety hazard.
The oil flows through branch lines to an inlet in each bearing housing. When the oil enters the housing inlet, flows into an annulus around the bearing. From the annulus, the oil flows through machined holes or slots to the bearing rotor interface.

Lubricant Sealing

Oil on the surface of the turbine shaft is prevented from being spun along the shaft by oil seals in each of the bearing housings. These labyrinth seals are assembled at the extremities of the bearing assemblies where oil control is required. A smooth surface is machined on the shaft and the seals are assembled so that only a small clearance exists between the oil seals and the shaft. The oil seals are designed with tandem rows of teeth and an annular space between them. Pressurized sealing air is admitted into this space to prevent lubrication oil reservoir is vented to atmosphere after passing through an oil vapor extractor.

Load Coupling

A rigid, hollow coupling connects the forward compressor rotor shaft to the generator. A bolted flange connection forms the joint at each end of the coupling.

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